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Monday the 16th was an incredible day that we will remember for the rest of our lives.  The impact of the day and what it meant to us is still sinking in.  And, we all took part in what we believe will go down as a historic time in the fight for a basic human right -- equal for all.

Marriage has, for obvious reasons, never been something that we really considered an option.  We just took it for granted that it was something we would never experience.  Monday was so surreal that way.  We saw ourselves take part in something we had seen countless times before at other weddings.  Perhaps we  had tried before to imagine what it felt like to get married, but when it came down to it on Monday it was very different than we imagined ...  And much bigger.

We felt that marriage has allowed us to grow up a little this past weeks.  Perhaps that's what happens when people get married.  They take a moment in their lives to look another person in the face in front of everyone they know and God and say "I commit to loving you."  And in doing so they realize that there really is something greater than ourselves ...  There is Love.

As corny as that may sound, it's how we feel.  The debate will rage on for a while, of course.  I expect the courts will likely say that our "marriage" never really happened. But we know it did, and we feel it did, and perhaps that's all that matters.

- Milko Encinas (email)