Supernumerary Committee


January 17, 2006


Minutes of the Meeting


         The following members of the Supernumerary Committee (the "Committee") of the San Francisco Opera (the "Opera") were present for all or parts of the meeting:


Irene Bechtel

Paul Szczesiul

Marcel Delgado

Kimberly Thompson

Bradly Hamilton

Rob Wonder

Priscilla Lore


Barbara Sherman



         Bradly acted as Chair and Priscilla acted as Secretary. Carrie Murphy attended part of the meeting.


         Bradly called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm. The minutes of the November 13, 2005, meeting were read and approved.


Financial Report


            The Financial Report was reviewed and approved. At January 11, 2005, the Committee had a balance of $790.74, which included expenditures related to the Super Party: Golden Gate Yacht Club, Intimate Catering, and our donation to the New Orleans Opera Association.

Old Business


            Super Party: Paul suggested that the invitation to the 2006 party be posted on the Members Only section of the website to minimize nonsupers from trying to crash the party. The Committee agreed that this was a good idea.


            Carrie Murphy: Carrie announced that with the new administration she would no longer be Super Coordinator and she would move to the Production Department effective immediately. Carrie discussed her new role with that department as well as the probable procedure for selecting a new Super Coordinator. She discussed her new duties and how the department might change. She suggested that a subcommittee be created to look at the job description of the Production Super Captain ("PSC"). Bradly suggested a Super Committee member head it and invite Production Super Captains to join the committee.


            Production Super Captains: The subcommittee would look at the duties and compensation of the PSCs. Kimberly volunteered to head the subcommittee and Carrie said she would let Kimberly know who had been a PSC.


            Super Party Review: The Committee were unanimous in their reports of the success of the party. Also discussed was the response of several people that they were happy with the entertainment rather than having a skit as in past parties. Suggestions were made for setting the date of the 2006 party as well as raising prices and limiting the number of guests.


            Super Survey Results: The Committee discussed how to approach the results of the survey. Bradly pointed out the priority of the items in importance to supers. He suggested that each Committee member think about the top five items for a brainstorming session at the next meeting.


New Business


Garage Sale: Paul said he would ask Charlie Lichtman about having another garage sale this year. Our last sale netted approximately $800.


Bake Sales: Bake Sales were scheduled for June 4 and June 24.


Committee Elections: Upcoming elections were briefly discussed.


Fall Casting Process: No information was available on the fall casting process.


Supers without Internet Access: Paul offered to write a letter to supers who do not have Internet access to the website informing them that only announcements would be sent to them via regular mail.


Thank You Dinner for Carrie: Bradly suggested that we have a dinner at Bucca de Beppo as a thank you to Carrie for all her work as Super Coordinator.


Next Meeting


            The next meeting of the Committee will be held on February 15, 2006, at 6:30 pm in the fourth floor conference room of the Opera House. Bradly will act as chair.


            The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.