Supernumerary Committee


February 15, 2006


Minutes of the Meeting


         The following members of the Supernumerary Committee (the �Committee�) of the San Francisco Opera (the �Opera�) were present for all or parts of the meeting:


Irene Bechtel

Paul Szczesiul

Priscilla Lore

Kimberly Thompson

Barbara Sherman

Rob Wonder


         Absent from the meeting were Marcel Delgado and Bradly Hamilton.  In Bradly�s absence, Paul acted as Chair and Priscilla acted as Secretary.


         Paul called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.   The minutes of the January 17, 2006, meeting were read and approved with one correction of a bake sale date (June 6 corrected to June 4).


Financial Report


            There was no Financial Report presented. 


Old Business


            Super Party:  Barbara reported that she had checked with Sharon Castle about booking the Golden Gate Yacht Club again this year for the Super Party.  It was agreed that the charge to attend the party would have to be increased.


Garage Sale:  The Committee agreed to plan the garage sale at the next meeting.


Spearhead News via Snail Mail:  Paul reported that after contacting all the snail mail newsletter recipients, several of them provided him with their e-mail addresses; so the number of hard copies of the newsletter to be mailed was reduced in advance of their being discontinued.


Super Committee Elections:  The Committee agreed that it was too early discuss the 2006�2007 Committee elections.


Fall Casting:  Kimberly said that she had spoken with Carrie Murphy about casting all women for the koroko roles in Madama Butterfly and that Carrie said she would pass the suggestion on to April Busch.  Paul suggested that we be proactive with April and tell her that we would like meet with her to discuss supers.  In this way we can respond to the survey question about the Committee�s role in representing supers to the Opera.  Kimberly offered to contact April to arrange a meeting. 


   Committee Web Portal Page:  Paul reported that Mike Harvey was creating a link on the homepage to the Committee page, which would include minutes, Committee pictures, the Committee mission statement, and anything else the Committee thought appropriate.  There was also a discussion of whether the link should be password protected.


            Super Survey Results: The Committee discussed the five top issues for supers as reflected in the survey.  Most of them emphasized the role of the Committee in relation to the Opera and the Committee�s activities as liaison and sounding board.  It was suggested that there be a link on the Opera�s website to 


            Barbara brought up the Production Super Captain meeting that was discussed at the Committee�s last meeting.  It was suggested that that take place once April is in place.


            Fundraising ideas included having a bake sale at Opera in the Park. 


            Also discussed was the importance of informing supers of the Opera�s house rules and how to enforce them.  One suggestion was made to update the Super Manual�it was agreed that the Committee would work with April on this.  An additional approach recommended having Production Super Captains tell supers what the rules are.  Perhaps dressers could become involved as well.  A discussion ensued about how and where to give supers the house rules. 


New Business


            Fundraising:  Paul suggested that the Committee appoint a chairperson for fundraising events (e.g., one chairperson for all bake sales or one for each bake sale) as we do for the Super Party.  It was also suggested that a checklist be created for the bake sales to make the event go smoothly regardless of which Committee members are involved in setting up and running the sale.


Next Meeting


            The next meeting of the Committee will be held on March 14, 2006, at 6:30 pm in the fourth floor conference room of the Opera House.  Bradly will act as chair.


            The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.