Supernumerary Committee


March 14, 2006


Minutes of the Meeting



         The following members of the Supernumerary Committee (the �Committee�) of the San Francisco Opera (the �Opera�) were present for all or parts of the meeting:


Irene Bechtel

Barbara Sherman

Marcel Delgado

Paul Szczesiul

Bradly Hamilton

Kimberly Thompson

Priscilla Lore

Rob Wonder



         Also present, at the invitation of the Committee, were Mike Harvey, Charlie Lichtman, Susan Anderson, April Busch, and Pam Kay.  Bradly acted as Chair and Priscilla acted as Secretary.


         Bradly called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and called on April, the new super coordinator, to discuss her view of her job.  April said that she was working with Carrie Murphy to get an idea of what the Committee did and its role with the supers and the Opera.  April asked for questions; Paul asked what could be done about the many last-minute changes in rehearsal schedules.  April responded that she thought the new management might adhere to the rules more than in the past about schedule changes.  Paul asked about the casting process and gave a history of how the process kept changing.  Kimberly and Rob both mentioned how the selection process was unclear.  Mike mentioned how the casting updates for the website were very helpful for supers.  Bradly brought up the mailer supers used to receive and all agreed that this worked well.  A discussion followed about how this could be used again as well as the use of the super database.  April said that she was handing the lightwalkers as well. 


         Mike asked how April would like to use the website.  It was agreed that the website was vital in providing an exchange of information.  Bradly explained the role of the Committee and read the top five survey responses from supers as to what they wanted from their Committee.  April said she would like to attend all the Committee meetings.  Paul brought up the topic of compensation for supers, production super captains (�PSC�s), and including supers when the Opera �papers the house.�


         April asked about PSCs; Mike described what they do; Kimberly and Charlie also responded to her question.  Paul mentioned that it was necessary to put the PSCs job description in writing so that the Opera production staff know who they are and why they are there.


The minutes of the February 15, 2006, meeting were read and approved.


Financial Report


            There was no Financial Report presented. 


Old Business


            Super Party:  Barbara and Paul met with the Golden Gate Yacht Club manager, Josh, to discuss the party arrangements for this year.  The reservation fee was discussed as well as having the food served family style; Barbara�s discussions with the caterer involved the menu as well.  It was unclear as to whether the catering could be provided at the same price as last year.  The date of the party was set for November 19.  It was time to provide the $500 deposit.  Finances were discussed, including the fact that we do not have wine left from the previous year to contribute to the party.  Rob volunteered to check with the winery in Alameda to see if they would donate wine.  A motion was passed to release the $500 from the budget for the deposit.


Garage Sale:  Charlie announced that the garage sale was scheduled for May 6, unless it was raining.  It was decided to inform supers about the sale via both e-mail and the website.


Super Committee Elections:  The Committee agreed on the following schedule for the 2006-2007 elections:

      March 31, send out request for candidates

      April 21, responses should be received

      May 1, ballot sent out

      May 19, votes due

      June Committee meeting, count the votes

      July Committee meeting, new Committee installed


   Committee Web Portal Page:  Mike reported that the web portal page was up.


            Super Survey Results: Bradly proposed that the next meeting should include discussion of what would be reported to the supers about the survey results.


Next Meeting


            The next meeting of the Committee will be held on April 6, 2006, at 6:30 pm in the fourth floor conference room of the Opera House.  Bradly will act as chair.


            The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.