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San Francisco Opera
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SF Opera Supers in the Festival Opera un Ballo in Maschera

Supers Mike Harvey, Charlie Lichtman, Paul Szczesiul, and Kimberly Thompson answered the call from SFO makeup artist Denise Guiterrez and volunteered to super in the Festival Opera production of un Ballo in Maschera. It was a tremendously enjoyable experience not only because we played multiple roles and were in almost every scene, but also because of the friendliness and informality of the group in Walnut Creek.

The only real rule was being on time for rehearsals. Once you were there, you could hang out with the principals, make suggestions to the director, take pictures anywhere and of anybody, set your own call times, cue yourself to go onstage, sort out your own props, lend a hand occasionally to move a bit of furniture, and play with the Managing Director's golden retriever during breaks.

The very successful run ended on July 19 with a special performance in a tent at the Meadowood Resort in the Napa Valley. We all felt a little like a traveling circus and had a great time mingling with the guests while still in costume. Have a look at the gallery of photos that starts with rehearsal in Walnut Creek and ends in Meadowood.