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From the Vault - Die Zauberflöte - (1991)

Here are the Supers from an earlier incarnation of the Hockney Magic Flute (the second one during the 1991 Mozart Bicentennial Festival Summer Season). At that time the Supers shared the stage with a luxurious cast that included Ruth Ann Swenson, Jerry Hadley, Sally Wolf, and then-newcomers Patricia Racette, Laura Claycomb and Catherine Keen.

It is not Spearhead policy to attach full names to photographs so here in the tradition of anonymous Twelve-Step Programs are (left to right) Stephanie S, Andrea K, Louis S, Renee D J, Kimberly T, Carolyn W, Harrison P, Mike P and Doug C.

For relative newcomers to SFO Supering, Harrison Pierce (second from left, bottom row in the dragon costume) was Super Captain from 1990 to 1992 (preceding Albert Goodwyn).He moved briefly from Super Captain to the Development Department but sadly passed away from AIDS in 1993. Harrison was always extremely cheerful, even through the rigors of coordinating the massive number of Supers in the 1991 production of War and Peace and was much missed. His friend Doug Couture (third from left) gave a eulogy at Harrison’s Memorial in the Shakespeare Garden at Golden Gate Park, which was attended by many members of the Company. Doug went on to dress Supers for a couple of seasons before moving to New York City. Many thanks to Andrea for submitting the photograph.

(Click on the photo for a larger image).

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