Supernumerary Committee


April 25, 2005


Minutes of the Meeting



The following members of the Supernumerary Committee (the �Committee�) of the San Francisco Opera (the �Opera�) were present for all or parts of the meeting:


            Susan Anderson

Irene Bechtel

Mike Harvey

            Priscilla Lore

            Paul Szczesiul

            Kimberly Thompson

Sally Warren

            Rob Wonder


            Carrie Murphy was not present because she was at a party down the hall. Susan served as Chair and Priscilla served as Secretary.


Susan called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm.


The minutes of the March 21, 2005, meeting were read and approved.


Financial Report


            The Financial Report showed the deposits made since December 31, 2004:  at December 31, 2004, the balance was $1089.65; in addition, we had deposits from Fort Mason and donations made in memory of Jim Downey for a new balance of $1255.56.


Old Business


Garage sale:  Mike reported that he had made posters and distributed them in the Opera House.  Susan discussed taking items for the sale to Charlie�s (28th and Sanchez).  Volunteers were requested to go to Charlie�s on Thursday to price items.  Other volunteers would be needed to work the sale on Saturday and to help break it down and clean up.  Mike had e-mailed the supers about the sale and Charlie was going to put a notice on Craigslist.


Opening Night Chocolates and Favors:  Paul reported that it�s time to order the candies. Only ten would be needed for the summer season because of the dearth of super parts.  Kimberly volunteered to find chocolates for the June 14 opening night of Pearlfishers.


New Business


            Tom Carlisle:  Susan reported that Tom Carlisle had requested to be reimbursed for two photo albums he compiled. The request was accepted.       


            Super party:  The party is scheduled for Sunday, November 20. Susan reported that the Golden Gate Yacht Club ends their jazz afternoon at 5:30 so we can have the facility for free.  Intimate Caterers has the required insurances to cater the party. Susan also wanted to transfer her duties as chair of the party committee to someone else since she will not be on the Committee after June. 


Other Business


            New dog:  Paul announced his recent adoption of Mocha through


Elections for new Committee members:  Key dates for the upcoming elections for new Committee members were discussed:  new committee members would attend the July 25 meeting with current members.  Announcement of new members would be made July 1; votes would be counted at the June 20 Committee meeting; ballots should be returned by June 10, so the ballot should be available by May 26, and that means that the request for nominations should be sent to Carrie by May 1.  Mike volunteered to draft an announcement and request for nominations for the website.  Discussion followed of requirements to serve on the Committee and of duties and responsibilities of Committee members.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:15.


The next meeting will be May 23, 2005, at 6:30 pm in the 4th floor conference room of the Opera House. Sally will act as chair.