Supernumerary Committee


July 12, 2004


Minutes of the Meeting



The following members of the Supernumerary Committee (the �Committee�) of the San Francisco Opera (the �Opera�) were present for all or parts of the meeting:


            Susan Anderson

Irene Bechtel

            Mike Harvey

Andrew Korniej

            Priscilla Lore

Paul Newman

            Paul Szczesiul

Kimberly Thompson

            Mimi Timberlake

            Sally Warren

            Rob Wonder


            Also present was Carrie Murphy.  Irene Bechtel served as Chair and Priscilla Lore served as Secretary.


Irene called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Minutes of the June 14, 2004, meeting were read and approved. The Financial Report was accepted.


Financial Report: Paul distributed financial report with $1743.17 balance. The last Bake Sale netted $355.


Old Business


Joe Harris Award: Thanks were expressed to Susan and Andrew for the work they did to make the award to Joe Harris from the Supers happen.


Website: Thanks were also extended to Mike for his upkeep of the website, which has made it a very successful tool for Supers and others.


Outgoing Committee Members: The Committee expressed its appreciation to outgoing members Andrew Korniej, Paul Newman, and Mimi Timberlake for their service to the Committee, fellow Supers, and the Opera for the past three years. Paul requested that he continue to be allowed to handle negotiations with Fort Mason for the Super Party arrangements; his request was granted.


New Business


            Incoming Committee Members: The Committee welcomed new members Paul Szczesiul, Kimberly Thompson, and Rob Wonder.


            Bake Sales: Dates for upcoming Bake Sales were discussed: October 3 (during Traviata), October 17 (Billy Budd), and November 7 (Tosca).  Susan volunteered to contact the Opera Guild regarding Bake Sale dates so that we don�t overlap with their schedule. 


            Paul S. suggested providing a whole ham or turkey at each sale to boost sales.  Other ideas were discussed for increasing attendance and sales at the Bake Sales.   


            Garage Sale: Mike said he would contact Charlie Lichtman regarding neighborhood sales in Charlie�s neighborhood.


            Photo Shoots: It was proposed to ask Tom Carlisle if he would be willing to arrange the photo shoots with principals for all the shows. Irene will call him to suggest it to him.


Super Banner: Also discussed was the loss, and possible replacement, of the gold banner that we have posted behind the Bake Sale tables in the canteen.  Susan said she would look into prices to replace or print a new banner.


Committee Jurisdiction: Susan asked Carrie what was the Committee�s role in dealing with difficult supers (e.g., eating in costume, late for rehearsal or performance or no show). Carrie advised that she be informed of the difficulty and will then speak with the super; if that doesn�t change the behavior, then maybe the Committee could be involved.


A discussion followed regarding the preparation of supers for a show. Guidelines for each show would be presented before rehearsals to make sure everyone knows the rules. Carrie repeated that she should be told about any difficulty with supers.


Super Party: Paul N. explained his arrangement with Fort Mason for the benefit of the incoming committee members so that everyone understands why he wants to continue to be the contact and negotiator with Fort Mason for the party. He also explained why Joan Imbeau does the banking for the Committee. Priscilla volunteered to take the money to Joan for the financial report.


Other Business: Susan suggested that we place the keys for the Committee�s supply closet in one of the lockers next to the super dressing room. The Committee agreed this would be a good way to make sure the closet would be accessible for everyone.


Andrew asked who wanted to take over e-mail announcements regarding Bake Sales, garage sales, and other big events.  Mike pointed out that the website has an e-mail feature.


Andrew opened the discussion about opening night candies. Someone needs to contact Renee D. to do cards and Charlie to distribute the cards and candies. Kimberly volunteered to take care of that. Kimberly also volunteered to maintain the bulletin board.


Mimi suggested that whoever is handling the food for the party should feel free to contact her.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:30; several committee members cleared the table of empty champagne bottles and other debris.


The next meeting will be August 16, 2004, at 6:30 pm in the 4th floor conference room of the Opera House. Mike will act as chair.