Supernumerary Committee


August 16, 2004


Minutes of the Meeting



The following members of the Supernumerary Committee (the �Committee�) of the San Francisco Opera (the �Opera�) were present for all or parts of the meeting:


            Susan Anderson

Irene Bechtel

            Mike Harvey

            Priscilla Lore

            Paul Szczesiul

Kimberly Thompson

            Sally Warren

            Rob Wonder


            Absent from the meeting was Carrie Murphy. Mike Harvey served as Chair and Priscilla Lore served as Secretary.


Mike called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Minutes of the July 12, 2004, meeting were read and, after two errors were pointed out, approved.


Financial Report: Paul Newman had mailed the Financial Report to Carrie who was absent and unable to present it to the Committee for review and approval.


Old Business


Opening Night Chocolates: Mike reported on the response from the Supers regarding the possible cancellation of opening night chocolates. Because there was such a protest, Charlie Lichtman placed the order for the first show; Paul offered to pick up the candy from Josef Schmidt for the first show. Then followed a discussion of who besides Supers received candies. Susan made a motion to give them to Supers only; all agreed. Mike suggested that we keep the order as it is and not order extras for other shows, but put any extras in the Bake Sale.


Garage Sale: Paul reported that the impromptu garage sale that Charlie held netted the Supers $193.


Photo Shoots: Irene reported that she had been unable to reach Tom Carlisle by phone regarding the suggestion that he arrange the photo shoots for all of the shows.


New Business


            Super Banner: Susan gave an update on the banner replacement. The Committee discussed color and text choices. It was decided to have black lettering on a red background.


Committee Operation: Rob asked for a clarification on how the Committee operated and its role with the House and supers. Susan gave a brief history of the Committee, noting that it has evolved from being a liaison between the House and supers into organizing the Super Party, the Bake Sales and other fund-raising events to pay for the party, and occasionally sending cards or flowers to a sick or bereaved super.


Budget: Paul asked about the Committee�s budget, which doesn�t exist. A discussion followed on how choices were made as to whom the Committee sent cards or flowers. Paul suggested that it would cut down expenses if only cards were sent. All agreed that Mike�s e-card to a super was a good idea and in some cases would be enough acknowledgement of the supers� concern.


Opera in the Park: Sally offered to stake out territory for the supers at Opera in the Park on September 12.  


Other Business: Rob had suggested to Carrie that she e-mail the orchestra and chorus about the Bake Sales and possibly the garage sales.


There was a lengthy discussion of the need for more communication between the House and supers. Mike related that he showed up for a lightwalking assignment, but the session had been cancelled and he hadn�t been told.  It was suggested that Carrie update the Committee, or one member of the Committee, regarding casting and other production developments, which could be posted on the website. Supers would then be able to make plans, knowing that a show had already been cast; Carrie would not receive so many e-mails and phone calls that she does not have time to answer. Mike said that he would speak with Carrie.


Susan provided a lock for the super locker in the men�s dressing area. All Committee members were given the combination.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:40.


The next meeting will be September 27, 2004, at 6:30 pm in the 4th floor conference room of the Opera House. Mike will act as chair.