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by Carolyn Dougherty
edited by Lynn Meinhardt

First Day of Rehearsal
page 2

I believe I'm the oldest woman mime, which is kind of odd to me, because I'm usually the youngest person in any group I join. Most of the other women appear to be performance artists and dancers and exude that kind of style. I'm a little uncomfortable in this group and feel out of place. We'll see how I will fit in as we start working together. The male mimes generally appear older than the women. One guy is very thin and definitely a dancer; his movements are very studied and weird—the director keeps asking him to tone it down. The rest seem pretty stolid.

The director asked us to go through a stack of unlabeled photos of scary-looking people in masked fetish wear—they were photos of us, taken during the costume fitting. We’re hard to recognize under the plastic. It will be interesting to see how we transform from our street demeanor to our fetish demeanor after we get into the outfits and face each other in the flesh. The director wants us to bond before the costumes come out, as she says we'll act insecure and neurotic when we start wearing them.

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First Day - 1 2
Second Day - 3 4
Second Week - 5 6
Third Week - 7 8 9
Final Week - 10 11 12



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— Patron