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by Carolyn Dougherty
edited by Lynn Meinhardt

Second Week of Rehearsal
page 5

We wore our demon outfits onstage for the first time to get a sense of what we could and couldn't do in skintight latex, masks, and high heels and to give the directors an opportunity to decide who would do what and be placed where. One of my fellow demons had told me that she was insecure about the way her body looks. “Why the hell are you doing this show?” I asked her, and she responded, “I'm wearing a mask, so no one will recognize me.” Apparently, while we were being admired and evaluated she was the subject of a heated conversation in German among several directors, complete with pointing and gesticulating. Then one of them came up to her and said, “We've decided not to put you in this scene.” Later, I told her that “I would have burst into tears.” As it turned out, she wasn't turned down for demon duty; she was assigned another task in the same scene but wouldn’t be involved in the orgy.

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First Day - 1 2
Second Day - 3 4
Second Week - 5 6
Third Week - 7 8 9
Final Week - 10 11 12



“I like being yelled at. It makes me more productive.”
— Demon