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by Carolyn Dougherty
edited by Lynn Meinhardt

Second Day of Rehearsal
page 3

Today we tried on our shoes. I hadn't realized that ALL the demons would be wearing high heels—during our fitting, I had received the impression that only some of us would be, and at the fitting I didn't have any shoes. But today we all had boots to try on. Mine were way too small. Their second choice, knee-length lace-up Victorians with low heels, were fine for movement, but I told the wardrobe woman that they pinched my toes and I wouldn't last long in them. The men were pretty funny. One stomped around in his platform boots, exclaiming, “I feel EVIL!” I overheard one of the women directors muttering, “Get used to it. Women walk in heels all the time.” One man was rather taken with his boots, and he wore them for most of the afternoon. I asked him if he'd ever performed in the Rocky Horror Picture Show (he looked the perfect Frank), and he said no, and that he had never worn heels before today.

Onstage we crawled around like insects and practiced sex positions by ourselves and in groups. The director asked me to demonstrate a few of my moves so that other people could adopt them.

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First Day - 1 2
Second Day - 3 4
Second Week - 5 6
Third Week - 7 8 9
Final Week - 10 11 12


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— Patron